2014 -2015 Distinguished Presentations Awarded to Council 1952

The Star Council Award recognizes outstanding achievement in membership, insurance and service program activities. To be eligible to earn the Star Council Award, a council must qualify for the Father McGivney, Founder's, and Columbian awards.
It was announced in May 2015 that Evansville Council 1952 had met all requirements and was named a 2015 Star Council. The last time Council 1952 achieved the Star Council was 1979. Fifteen new members and achieving all requirements has qualified Evansville Council 1952 among the top Local Knights of Columbus Councils worldwide. Less then 10 Illinois Councils will be named Star Councils this year.
In addition to meeting the traditional Columbian Award requirements - conducting at least four programs in each category - each of the six Columbian Award categories also has at least one featured program. By meeting all requirements for a featured program activity in a particular category, a council fulfills all requirements for that category. The six categories are: Church, Community, Council, Family, Culture of Life and Youth.
By achieving the Service Programs Award Council 1952 qualifed for the Star Council. During the year Council 1952 conducts at least 4 activies in the six required categories. Some of our outstanding are, Memorial Mass for Departed Members, Rally on the River, Membership Activities, Vocations Support and we sponsor a Columbian Squires Circle.

Father McGivney Award: Achieve membership quota. The quota for councils is 7 percent increase of the council's membership as of July 1. The minimum quota is 4 and the maximum is 35. Councils that attain Star Council status and achieve 200 percent of their net gain goal will receive the Double Star Council Award. If they achieve 300 percent of their net gain goal they will receive the Triple Star Council Award.
During 2015 Council 1952 welcomed 15 men of all ages into our ranks. Our Council has a membership of 221 Members. This includes Insurance Members, Associate Members, and Honorary and Honorary Life members.
Achieve insurance membership quota. The quota for councils is a 2.5 percent net increase in insurance membership as of July 1 for the fraternal year. The minimum quota is and the maximum of 18.
Through the efforts of our Insurance Agent Stanley Mudd we achieved our Insurance Quota in 2015.

Council 1952 also achieve top State Recognition. The Council was awarded the Illinios Gold Spirit Award at the Annual Summer Meeting of the State Council. This is the first time Council 1952 has achieved this award. DD Fred Stern presents the Award to GK Tony Schenk.